
Summary of Western Ham Processing Technology- Tenderizing technology, low temperature curing technology, injection technology, smoking technology

Western-style hams have unique processing techniques, and different processing techniques are used to produce and process different hams. For example, some ham products need to be smoked, while others do not. Common processing techniques for Western-style ham include low-temperature curing and brine injection.

Low temperature curing technology

In the process of meat processing, in order to ensure that the meat is tender, it is necessary to always ensure that the meat products are in a low-temperature state, the temperature can not be higher than 15 ℃. The use of low-temperature curing technology can effectively inhibit the reproduction of microorganisms, to ensure the safety and tenderness of meat products, especially in the summer when the weather temperature is hotter, by the high temperature environment, meat products are very susceptible to rotting and rotting, the reasonable application of low-temperature curing technology can effectively avoid the product suffers from contamination of the deterioration of the product. For example, Lyonnaise ham processing technology, through the application of low temperature, low salt, curing technology, not only effectively shorten the production cycle, but also to further improve product safety.

Brine Injection

Brine injection technology can not only shorten the curing period of meat products, but also reduce the curing cost and improve the tenderness and yield of meat. Traditional curing of meat products usually adopts dry curing or wet curing, but brine injection technology is to use specialized injection machines to inject curing liquid into the raw meat through injection needles for curing process.

Through the comparative analysis of pork water activity, shear force, color and other aspects, it is proved that the brine injection technology can not only improve the quality of pork, but also clarify the brine injection rate and the ratio of edible glue.

Vacuum tumbling technology

In the process of using brine injection technology, in order to further ensure that the brine can be uniformly distributed in the meat products, to ensure the quality of meat products processing, it is necessary to use vacuum tumbling technology. Vacuum tumbling technology is actually the use of mechanical equipment, kneading, wrestling, rolling meat products, accelerate the penetration of the marinade to ensure that it can be uniformly distributed in the meat, and at the same time, it can destroy the meat fibers, improve the tenderness of the meat to ensure that the meat products taste at the same time, and improve the yield rate. In addition, in order to inhibit the reproduction of microorganisms in the meat products, the drum of the vacuum tumbling machine is designed as a vacuum, which can effectively inhibit the reproduction of microorganisms, and the meat material is more swollen under the vacuum state, so that the marinade liquid is fully integrated with the meat material through tumbling, pressing and other operations, to ensure that the marinade is uniform. Under the action of the vacuum tumbler, the protein in the meat material comes into fuller contact with the brine, which promotes the dissolution of protein, increases the adhesion between the meat pieces, and effectively improves the quality of the meat pieces.

Tenderization Technology

The tenderness of meat products is an important indicator of product flavor. As people's demand for the taste of meat products is getting higher and higher, the current research on the tenderization technology of meat products is also getting deeper and deeper.

There are many methods of meat tenderization, such as electrical stimulation method, mechanical tenderization method, tenderization enzyme method and other methods and technologies. Electrical stimulation is a method of using electric current to stimulate the carcass, which can effectively accelerate the rate of glycolysis of meat, accelerate the speed of muscle stiffness, so as to avoid cold contraction of meat, thus realizing meat tenderization. In addition, the enzymes used in the enzyme tenderization method can be divided into exogenous and endogenous tenderizing enzymes.

Fencing Technology

Fencing technology is mainly aimed at the problem of rotting and deterioration of meat products in the process of production, processing, transportation and sales, and its main principle is to apply various freshness preservation techniques to avoid rotting and deterioration of meat products from production and processing to sales, which has the function of extending the shelf life of meat products. In the application process of current fence technology, there are more than 50 kinds of fence factors involved, such as pH value, temperature, pressure, preservatives, air-conditioning packaging, etc. According to different fence factors and preservation principles, the preservation methods are categorized, and the commonly used principles of preservation include reducing water activity, high temperature treatment, low temperature refrigeration or freezing, and the addition of preservatives, etc. The main principle is to apply various kinds of preservation techniques to avoid spoilage of meat products from production and processing to marketing, which has the effect of prolonging the shelf life of meat products. Different fence factors on the role of microorganisms in meat products in different parts, when more than one fence factors work together, its preservation effect is stronger than the role of a fence factor alone. In the actual processing of meat products, through the reasonable combination of different fence factors, can play an effective role in ensuring food quality and safety.

Smoking Technology

In the traditional smoking technology, the insufficient combustion of charcoal will cause certain safety problems, and will also have certain impact on the surrounding environment, and the benzopyrene and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons produced during the smoking process will also have certain impact on human health. With the continuous deepening of the research on meat processing technology, the smoking technology has been developed and improved to a certain extent, for example, the application of smoked flavor, smoked liquid, and the direct coating method and spraying method, which greatly changed the way of smoking meat products and solved the unsafe and unhealthy problems of the traditional smoking process. For example, cold smoking can be used for the processing of bone-in ham, in which the temperature needs to be controlled at 30-33 ℃ and the ham needs to be left for 1-2 days and nights during the smoking process.


Post time: Jun-13-2024